programme list for chalet09
Sunday, November 15, 2009
People, pls bring enough money for the following(depending on how many days u staying):Day 1- Cycling, BBQ[$10], lunch
Day 2- Lunch, WWW/ escape, dinner and movie
Please meet 11am at AMK hub NTUC on 21st dec. thanks.Any problems, you can ask either Sean or myself. see you!----Confirmed list of ppl going: Caiwen, Sean, Michelle Cheng, Joseph, Bertrand, Joanna, Donavon, Brenna, Benjamin, Minling, Corin, Minji, Yuxian, Terrance, Kenji, Jasmine, Samantha Not confirmed: Jesslyn, Kelvin
We Are All A Part, Not Apart,
All As One. 3:16 PM